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What is a bulleted list?

The Bulleted List is a list made with a typographical bullet symbol or bullet point (•). These typographical symbols or glyphs are used in web design to introduce items in a list. They are also used to highlight those items by making them stand out from a page containing a blog, article, landing page, or other. How to create a Bulleted List?

How do I make a list bullet not a bullet?

You can also set the class to any of the list items ( ) to have one or more bullet items not to have a bullet while keeping the other bullets unchanged. CSS can be used to convert list bullets into squares or circles, but this gives little control over their appearance or positioning.

What does the last CSS selector do?

The last CSS selector will remove a bullet from the first item, which is ideal in for design in some circumstances. If you want the first item to include a bullet just remove the .list-horizontal li:first-child:before styles.

Can a list bullet be converted to a square?

CSS can be used to convert list bullets into squares or circles, but this gives little control over their appearance or positioning. Changing standard HTML list bullets to images is an excellent way of connecting them to your website theme and make your site visually more attractive.

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